The Federation of Bedenham and Holbrook Primary Schools

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Bedenham Primary School
Bridgemary Avenue
PO13 0XT
Tel No: 01329 280445

Holbrook Primary School
Wych Lane
PO13 0JN
Tel: 01329 286011

The Federation of Bedenham and Holbrook Primary Schools

Welcome to our schools! We hope that you find our website easy to navigate and that you find the information that you are looking for. If you would like to find out more about our schools, please contact the school offices.

  1. About Us
  2. Our Ethos & Values

Our Ethos & Values

In the Spring Term of 2023-24, Teachers, Support Staff, Governors, and the new Leadership Team began to review our vision and values.

We began with a whole staff team Inset day brainstorming our core purpose, our hopes for the future, and the characteristics, skills and knowledge we want our pupils to leave us with.

We surveyed parents to gather their views. Respect, Resilience, Independence and Confidence came through very strongly as values and characteristics that our parents felt were most important for our children to develop.

In the afternoon of our Vision & Values Day, a group of Governors worked with the Senior Leadership Team to pull together pupil voice, parent voice and staff feedback from the morning. 

Our vision statement looks to the future and sets out what is most important to our schools. We were keen to think about the whole child as well as ensuring our vision was aspirational. We discussed what ‘academic success’ looks like and agreed that this was individual to each pupil, acknowledging their starting points, and their individual needs.

Our core values are embedded in our vision and are the principles that guide everything we do. Values support the personal, social and spiritual development of every pupil throughout the school. We promote our values in every aspect of school life and celebrate children displaying our values in our Friday Celebration Assembly.

Our mission statements underpin our vision and set out what we need to do in  order to achieve our vision.

Our Core Values Award

 'Growing and Succeeding Together'

Our motto is our vision distilled into as few words as possible. It acknowledges that we have moved from two schools learning and achieving alongside each other to two schools that are stronger as one.

Everyone in our federation strives to grow and succeed every day - growing children, growing staff, growing governors, and succeeding together. 

We also looked at our logo. We felt that we had moved on from two schools working alongside each other to two schools with a much stronger bond  - two schools who are stronger as one

We have adopted a reef knot, or square knot, as a symbol of unity and strength, and to reflect the rich naval and fishing history of our local area. 

Two pieces of rope that are tied together in such a way that they become one cohesive unit. Two schools coming together, equal and in harmony, to form a stronger whole. 

Our mission statements:

The following mission statements underpin our vision and set out what we need to do in order to achieve our vision:

We want our pupils to be equipped to be resilient and active learners who independently find out and explore, problem solve, reflect and think critically.

We strive for all our pupils to be good communicators and have the essential literacy and numeracy skills to enable them to successfully access the next stage in their education.

We want our pupils to be self-aware and to take responsibility for themselves; to understand and value their whole self and their own personal strengths. Our pupils understand good mental health and are prepared with strategies to maintain self-care.

Our pupils are good citizens ready to take their place in a diverse and modern British society. They are respectful and accepting, show honesty and integrity and are empathetic towards others and the environment.

We aim to provide a rich and varied curriculum, embracing opportunities to develop cultural capital.

We want our families and pupils to engage and build active partnerships with local resources and communities.

Everyone in our school strives to grow and succeed every day.