Newsletters & Letters
We have four essential communication tools which link together to ensure you stay up to date and informed.
- This easy to use school website. We have used one carefully structures website for both schools in our Federation with simple navigation so that information can be found quickly and easily. Please check it regularly as we will use the scrolling text facility on the home page to share important information.
- At the top of each page, you can find a link to our Facebook and Instagram pages – this is where we share and showcase all our learning and good news.
- The school calendar can be found at the bottom of the Home page.
Please find below links to our most recent newsletters. Headteacher letters and updates provide a summary of the learning and share important information. Other letters, specifically for year groups or key stages, such as educational visits or key stage productions, are sent out through the school messaging system.
Governors' Newsletters
Name | |
Spring 1 Reading Newsletter 2025.pdf | Download |
Forest School Letter HPS Bears.pdf | Download |
Mrs Gibbs Letter Jan 2025.pdf | Download |
Therapy Dog Letter 18.11.24.pdf | Download |
Respectful Communication 18.11.24.pdf | Download |
Anti-Bullying Week 06.11.24.pdf | Download |
Holbrook Disco Letter 24.10.24.pdf | Download |
HPS Gate Safety Letter 16.10.24.pdf | Download |
Harvest Assembly 2024.pdf | Download |
No Outsiders Letter 3 for Parents.pdf | Download |