The Federation of Bedenham and Holbrook Primary Schools

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Bedenham Primary School
Bridgemary Avenue
PO13 0XT
Tel No: 01329 280445

Holbrook Primary School
Wych Lane
PO13 0JN
Tel: 01329 286011

The Federation of Bedenham and Holbrook Primary Schools

Welcome to our schools! We hope that you find our website easy to navigate and that you find the information that you are looking for. If you would like to find out more about our schools, please contact the school offices.

  1. Parents/Carers
  2. School Day

School Day

The school day is 8.45am (morning registration time) to 3.15pm (official end of the compulsory school day) and the total time this amounts to in a week is 32.5 hours.  

Classroom doors open 8.30am 

Doors open early to allow children to be settled and prepared for the start of the school day at 8.45am. Children should not arrive before 8.30am unless they are attending Breakfast Club.

Late arrivals, after 8.45am, should report to the main school office. We monitor attendance closely and expect all children to attend school regularly and arrive punctually.

Morning break 10.30 to 10.45am

During this time, children may eat a healthy snack from home.

Lunch break 12.00 to 12.50 pm

All children have lunch break at the same time. Reception children go to the dining hall a little earlier at the start of the year to help them adapt to school routines and give them a little longer to eat.

School day finishes 3.15pm

Wraparound Care

Breakfast Club 7.30 - 8.30am 

Breakfast Club is held in the Main Hall at both Bedenham and Holbrook. Please click on the Breakfast Club tab under 'Parents/Carers' for more information.

After School Club 3.15pm - 6.00pm

Bedenham & Holbrook After School Club is held in the Main Hall at Bedenham Primary School. The club is run and managed by Active8 Minds. Please click on the After School Club tab under 'Parents/Carers' for more information. 

Collective Worship

Monday 9.00 to 9:15 am - Whole school collective worship led by Senior Leadership Team or guests (Early Years join at various points in the year, as appropriate)

Tuesday 2:55 to 3:10pm - Teacher-led classroom based collective worship (Early Years and Year 1 timings are flexible)

Wednesday 2:55 to 3:10pm -Teacher-led classroom based collective worship (Early Years and Year 1 timings are flexible)

Thursday 2:55 to 3:10pm - Whole school singing collective worship (Early Years join later in the year, as appropriate)

Friday 9:00 to 9:15am - Celebration collective worship (Early Years join later in the year, as appropriate)