The Federation of Bedenham and Holbrook Primary Schools

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Bedenham Primary School
Bridgemary Avenue
PO13 0XT
Tel No: 01329 280445

Holbrook Primary School
Wych Lane
PO13 0JN
Tel: 01329 286011

The Federation of Bedenham and Holbrook Primary Schools

Welcome to our schools! We hope that you find our website easy to navigate and that you find the information that you are looking for. If you would like to find out more about our schools, please contact the school offices.

  1. Key Information
  2. School Performance Data
  3. School Performance Data - Bedenham Primary School

School Performance Data - Bedenham Primary School

Attainment and Progress Summary 2023

SATs examinations are a national framework to measure the attainment and progress of individual children in key academic subjects. The results provide the basis of the school performance tables which are used as the annual measure of how a school is performing in comparison to other schools.

SATs tests are taken at the end of Key Stage 2 (Year 6). The national expected level of attainment is for children to be working at the "expected standard" at the end of Key Stage 2.


Key Stage 2

% of Pupils achieving expected level in  Key Stage 2


Expected Standard - All

Expected Standard - Pupil Premium

Greater Depth/Higher Standard

School – Reading (National)

69% (73%)


22% (29%)

School – Writing (National)

69% (71%)


19% (13%)

School – Maths (National)

58% (73%)


14% (24%)

RWM Combined (National)

56% (59%)


8% (8%)


Progress Measures

KS1 to KS2


Expected Standard

All pupils

School – Reading (National comparison) -2.6 (Below Average progress)
School – Writing (National comparison) -0.9 (Average progress)
School – Maths (National comparison) -3.0 (Below Average progress)


Further information on the progress score:

The average progress scores are presented as positive and negative numbers either side of zero.

  • score of 0 means pupils in this school on average do about as well at KS2 as those with similar prior attainment nationally.
  • positive score means pupils in this school on average do better at KS2 as those with similar prior attainment nationally.
  • negative score means pupils in this school on average do worse at KS2 as those with similar prior attainment nationally.

Please note, a negative score does not mean that pupils did not make any progress, rather it means they made less progress than other pupils nationally with similar starting points.