The Federation of Bedenham and Holbrook Primary Schools

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Bedenham Primary School
Bridgemary Avenue
PO13 0XT
Tel No: 01329 280445

Holbrook Primary School
Wych Lane
PO13 0JN
Tel: 01329 286011

The Federation of Bedenham and Holbrook Primary Schools

Welcome to our schools! We hope that you find our website easy to navigate and that you find the information that you are looking for. If you would like to find out more about our schools, please contact the school offices.

  1. Key Information
  2. Specialist Resourced Provision
  3. Specialist Resourced Provision - Holbrook Penguins

Specialist Resourced Provision - Holbrook Penguins

The Resourced Provision at Holbrook has 24 places for children with an Education and Health Care Plan (EHCP), with either Speech, Language and Communication Needs or Autism as a primary area of educational need.

The Resourced Provision, known as Penguins, is located at the heart of the school in a dedicated area designed to meet the broad range of pupil needs. We have three classes, which allows us to meet the social, emotional, and learning needs of the pupils ranging from Year R to Year 6. Our facilities include a sensory room, three teaching spaces, messy area, therapeutic communal space, accessible toilet and two secure outdoor gardens.

The calm, secure and nurturing environment is ideal for pupils to grow in confidence and provides pupils with the support and specialist teaching required to progress in all aspects of their learning and development. We are focussed on all aspects of our children’s development and we work hard to ensure the best possible outcomes for every child. We strive to make their learning experiences positive, fun, engaging, interactive and safe.  We pride ourselves on the trusting and supportive relationships we have with our families and support them every step of the way in their child’s journey.

Penguins 1 is our Key Stage 1 class within the ASD resourced provision for Year R, 1 and 2. This is a low arousal environment for 12 children with a high staff ratio. It has a large classroom with a well-equipped sensory room. Penguins 1 has a secure outdoor garden for use all year round with an exciting array of outdoor equipment.

The adapted curriculum focuses on developing skills for learning, emotional resilience and regulation, developing concentration and attention, communication and interaction skills, and building a strong foundation for working towards independence in learning and life.

Early number, phonics and writing skills form part of the daily routine as well as sensory circle and other specialist approaches.  Life skills trips to the café in very small groups support the development of confidence and independence in the community. Penguins 1 make full use of all the school facilities including the kitchen, our amazing library, and other outdoor spaces.


Penguins 2 is our Key Stage 2 class (Years 3-6) within the ASD resourced provision. It is a smaller class where the environment matches that of Penguins 1 but with the learning expectations of a semi-formalised curriculum. Workstations and a group-learning table allow pupils to begin to build on their academic skills. They access a broad and adapted curriculum including Maths, Phonics, Reading, Writing, PSHE and foundation subjects.

Fortnightly café trips enable children to practice their communication and interaction skills within the community. Weekly cooking lessons further build children’s independence and life skills. Children in Penguins 1 and 2 participate in themed curriculum days, which are an immersive and interactive experience. Some children attend whole school assemblies and special events and are involved as much as possible in the life of the school.


Penguins 3 is a mixed class ranging from Year 3 to Year 6 for pupils with Speech, Language and Communication Needs (SLCN). Children in Penguins 3 work in the resourced provision base in the morning for English and Maths. Speech and Language interventions are delivered by experienced staff who work closely with the Speech and Language therapists.

Pupils are attached to a mainstream class and attend lessons in the afternoon alongside their peers to access the wider curriculum. Pupils who find the larger classroom environment challenging at times can take their learning back into Penguins to complete with adult support. Pupils in Penguins 3 are fully included in the life of the school including wider school events and extra-curricular activities, such as Bikeability, swimming lessons, Sports Day, residential trips, school discos, assemblies and whole-school fundraising events.